Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning uses sound waves created by tuning forks to rebalance and harmonise the energy field surrounding our bodies. The coherent input of the tuning forks gently supports the body in recognising and changing its own vibrational imbalances, helping it to autocorrect, allowing emotions to pass through rather than suppressing them. 

It is a simple, non-invasive and efficient method that can produce profound and powerful outcomes. Helping to relieve:

  • Fear and anxiety

  • Depression, undigested grief and sadness

  • Pain/headaches

  • Digestive disorders, heartburn/indigestion

  • Stress

  • PTSD

  • Self doubt, low self esteem, limiting beliefs

  • Emotional and physical trauma, birth trauma

Sonic Meridian Flush

Meridians are pathways throughout the body which carry our life force energy. A Sonic Meridian Flush allows this vital life force to flow freely by using the sonic vibration of weighted tuning forks on acupressure points of the body, increasing energy flow, supporting the vitality needed to prevent illness and promote wellness. The forks are used at the points along the meridians of the face and body, and along the spine to mobilize stagnant energy and restore the natural flow of vital essence. The vibrations of the tuning forks through the body will relax muscles, support detoxification and induce a deep state of well being. It is a very relaxing and calming experience which will leave your body revived and energised.

Adrenal Reset

The adrenal glands are vital to your wellbeing. Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe how fatigue and other symptoms are caused by a poorly working adrenal gland in people who are under mental, emotional, or physical stress. 

Signs of adrenal fatigue can be - digestive and thyroid issues, sleep disorders, post traumatic stress, allergies and fatigue/exhaustion. A reset with tuning forks can influence adrenal rhythm, helping to restore normal adrenal function. A healthy adrenal produces a good, normal smooth rhythm, but a stressed adrenal makes a lot of noise, affecting the whole body. Nothing functions well under stress.

Distance Sessions

A Biofield Tuning session can be done at a distance. Because our biofields are holographic in nature, we are able to imagine or intend to do a Biofield Tuning session just as we would in person, by “placing” the recipient’s energy body or hologram on the table. These sessions take place via zoom or phone.


Biofield Tunning session 60minutes $120

YASs, or Distance via phone or zoom

*Periodically treating at Sutherland NSW

Biofield Tuning Canberra Yass